Puppy Kinder

CK9T’s Puppy Kinder is not your typical ‘Puppy School’!

Puppies have a critical period at approximately 8-16 weeks of age, during this period pups learn all about how they’re suppose to interact with the world. THIS is the main focus of Puppy kinder. Ensuring our pups develop into confident and resilient dogs!

Our 4 week course designed to give you as much knowledge as possible to raise a confident puppy.

We cover:

  • Appropriate socialisation and exposure. Sounds, sights and surfaces

  • Basic obedience (i.e. sit, drop)

  • Beginnings of loose leash walking

  • Manual handling for vets and groomers


  • Puppy pack with over 50 pages of information

  • 6 month ongoing support via email and phone

  • access to a price facebook group exclusive to CK9T clients